Sunday, October 2, 2011

i discovered i

''TO CREATE'' , is an innate desire every being on this earth is born with- like we breathe 18 times per minute, like we eat three tyms a day, like every natural instincts,we beings are bestowed with- our mind is programmed to create, every second every minute...
change, another v important event that stays beisde us every moment until we face the grave... to undergo the process of being decayed  is a change too, until we are completely vanished from the face of universe.... sun draws itself from East, and drowns in West, stars appear, moon vanishes, rains come an go, ppl leave, such are many thngs that create the word '' change'' and define its meaning....

if i dive deep into my mind and from cell to cell i travel or if i dive deep in veins of my body, ill come across many creative thngs that are undergoing change every second-- we a human survives on these two thngs....i in my 26 yrs of life have seen toO many ppl changing their actual face, and than the creation of new faces replacing them,... feelings come and go, like a passanger who waits fo a train and than replaced by another, once board in...sometyms these figure dance in front of me wd their holos, like ripples in stream once u throw stones in its core...

i wonder how someother times at this place ,where  rite now  i am sitting and writing will be replaced by some other mind, how the shadow of mine wiLl b   forgotten slowly from the hearts that at the moment adore me alot, and how these friendships will get dispersed physically with pasage of moment... we celeberate, we laugh, we cherish, we enjoy one moment, - we mourn, we cry, we scream, we desert another--- 

''LIFE'' , a huge burden to be described by some and a dew drop to be adored by anothers..... its a perspective ,a picture on our slate of mind we keep on creating by our experiences, by the influence we get and by the strength we establish in our lifeless body....

wat will happen if u stop ur breaths, ? there wud be a time wen u wont b able to stop its incomings anymore-- such is the act of '' OPTIMISM'', - nomatter how much u stay in darkness, u burden urself with heap of heaviness, u drench urself in mourns unlimited, there wud b a tym when ull crave fo hope, ull strive fo  the ladder to climb stairs, ull breathe deep to have fresh oxygen....

TODAY near stove i burnt words, i blurred out all the ugly shapes in fire, i scratched the burning coals out of the herth i created inside my heart, and than what? illumination encircled me after such a  long hardship. and in my tiredness even i danced with joy, no music, no lyrics, no tunes, but the voice of nature, the joy inner, the symphonies of galaxies, and with actual ''I'', the real ''I'', who was born in utero of Adam and Eve, once long ago!!! 


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